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Singin' in
the Rain Jr

Our Vision, Ethos and Values

Foundational text: Ephesians 3:18:

’I pray that you……may have the power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ’.

 We hope that as the pupils journey through the school they would begin to understand God’s heart for them, to know that His love is both wide and deep, that he delights in their very being.

 The Living Vision:

Our school is a place that will be known for….

  •  Academic provision that recognises the need for excellence in teaching and learning.
  •  Holistic provision that encourages Christian hope; building spirit and soul through faith orientated pastoral care.
  •  Inspirational provision through a modern curriculum that celebrates diversity and provides new opportunities.

School Ethos:

We are a Church of England school and therefore much of what we do is influenced by the Christian faith. We hope that as the children journey through the school they would begin to understand God’s heart for them, to know that His love is both wide and deep, that he delights in their very being.

We have a strong commitment to equal opportunities, allowing all our pupils the possibility of learning both within and beyond the classroom. We are proud to have a curriculum that has breadth and one that celebrates diversity – each child is seen as an individual and we look for them to take an active part in school life, as they grow in confidence with each step.  

Our School Values:

The school has six golden values. These were chosen by the families and staff of the school and form the foundation of what we aspire to be like as individuals and as a school community.

Each half-term we focus on one of the values using our times of Collective Worship to hear relevant teaching or to provide times of reflection on how to best apply the value to our lives. Staff and pupils will also use Circle Time and lesson time to reflect on how a value has been or could have been applied to a certain situation. The focus is not on simply knowing what the value means but rather on how to apply it within and beyond our school community - living the value.