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Countess Anne School

A Church of England Academy



Living God’s Love through….

  • Academic provision that recognises the need for excellence in teaching and learning.
  • Holistic provision that encourages Christian hope; building

spirit and soul through faith orientated pastoral care.

  • Inspirational provision through a modern curriculum that celebrates diversity and provides new opportunities.




Reviewed: 13/11/2024

Next Review September 2025


Reflects the revised statutory guidance for Induction for Early Career Teachers – effective September 2021.

The Professional Associations/ Trade Unions have been consulted on this policy and it is based on the HfL model policy.



  1. Purpose and scope. 2
  2. Roles and Responsibilities. 2

2.1.     Appropriate Body. 2

2.2.     Headteacher/ Induction Lead. 3

2.3.     Induction Tutor 3

2.4.     Mentor 3

2.5.     ECT. 3

  1. Induction Process. 3

3.1.     Adherence to statutory induction guidance. 3

3.2.     An Early Career Framework (ECF) based induction programme. 4

  1. Transitional arrangements for the ‘pre-September 2021 Cohort’ (previously NQTs) 5
  2. In school training.



  1. Purpose and scope

This policy sets out the school’s commitment to supporting, monitoring and mentoring staff appointed as Early Career Teachers (ECTs) with the aim of helping them fulfil their professional duties and meet the requirements for satisfactory completion of the statutory induction period which is the equivalent of 2 school years.

From September 2021, schools need to:

  • Register their ECT for statutory induction with an Appropriate Body (AB)
  • Ensure that induction is underpinned by the Early Career Framework (ECF). Ensure ECTs receive a reduced timetable in year 1 (10%) and in year 2 (5%).
  • Appoint both an Induction tutor and a mentor to support induction. At Countess Anne, these roles can be performed by the same person. When this is the case, the head teacher will oversee the induction process, checking the judgements made are accurate and fair.

This policy does not form part of any employee’s contract of employment and it may be amended at any time.


  1. Roles and Responsibilities
    • o Appropriate Body

The school will appoint an Appropriate Body to quality assure the induction process from commencement through to final assessment and certification from the Teaching Regulation Agency (TRA). 

Countess Anne School subscribes to the Alban Teaching School Hub ECT Induction Service and has access to;

  • administrative services for registration, monitoring, progress reviews and assessments including returns to the Teaching Regulation Agency (TRA)
  • an online assessment system for head teachers, induction leads, induction tutors and ECTs
  • online access to an ECT induction handbook and digital platform for all ECTs, induction leads and induction tutors detailing the most up-to-date guidance on the induction process
  • telephone, email, and face-to-face advice, support and guidance for Head teachers, induction leads, induction tutors and ECTs
  • advice, support and guidance where ECTs experience difficulties and/or are assessed at C2/D grade (this includes any necessary monitoring, additional intervention and formal meetings with unions)
  • training for induction leads and induction tutors
  • fidelity-checking for schools following a core or school-based ECF induction programme
  • quality assurance to ensure fairness and consistency across schools
  • Progress reviews will be completed and submitted online towards the end of Terms 1, 2, 4 & 5. Formal Assessments will take place in Terms 3 & 6 (final).


  • 2. Head teacher/ Induction Lead

The induction lead will oversee the induction process in line with the statutory guidelines, ensuring that the ECT is registered with an AB, appropriate mentoring provision is in place (including provision of an ECF-based induction programme), assessments are completed and recommendations are made to the AB on whether the ECT has met the relevant Teachers’ Standards. 

  • 3. Induction Tutor

The school will assign an Induction Tutor (who holds QTS) to provide regular monitoring and support, and coordination of assessment throughout the induction process. The Induction Tutor will carry out regular progress reviews and conduct formal assessments where they will make rigorous and fair judgements about the ECT’s progress in relation to the Teachers’ Standards. They will also need to ensure that they can recognise when an ECT is experiencing difficulties and when early action is needed.

  • 4. Mentor

The role of the mentor is discrete from the role of Induction Tutor. The school will assign a mentor who holds QTS and leads regular mentoring sessions with the ECT, providing a dedicated source of support, guidance and coaching for the ECT’s professional development, including their engagement with the ECF programme. The mentor is not responsible for any aspect of the ECT’s formal assessment.

At Countess Anne School the Induction Tutor and Mentor roles are sometimes performed by the same member of staff. When this is the case, this staff member will liaise closely with the head teacher who will check any judgements made from their own observations and discussions with the ECT.

  • 5. ECT

The ECT will be expected to participate in all tasks associated with the induction process and to actively engage with any support, guidance, feedback and training provided.

  1. Induction Process

The school will meet the requirements of the DfE statutory guidance on ECT induction by providing the following:

    • o Adherence to statutory induction guidance
  • An Induction tutor who holds QTS and has the necessary skills and knowledge to work successfully in this role. The induction tutor will have access to induction tutor training in order to understand the expectations of this role.
  • A mentor who holds QTS and has the necessary skills and knowledge to work successfully in this role. The mentor will engage with ECF programme mentor training in order to understand the expectations of this role.
  • Appropriate work tasks, experience and support to enable the ECT to demonstrate satisfactory performance against the relevant Teachers’ Standards by the end of the induction period.
  • Regular professional reviews of progress where the ECT is monitored and observed by the induction tutor who sets and reviews development targets against the Teachers’ Standards.
  • A reduction in timetable to enable the ECT to undertake activities related to their induction (in line with paragraph 2.19 of the statutory guidance). This will be in the format of 10% release time in the first year of induction and a 5% timetable reduction in the second year.
  • A personalised programme of development, support and professional dialogue.
  • Regular observations of the ECT’s teaching, including written and oral feedback on all aspects of their practice.
  • Opportunities to observe experienced practitioners.
  • Access to relevant training and development activities.
  • An induction programme that is underpinned by the ECF. The school offers an ECF programme that supports the ECT to apply the knowledge and skills set out in the Early Career Framework into their own practice. This is provided by an external provider.


  • 2. An Early Career Framework (ECF) based induction programme


The ECF is not an assessment tool and an ECT’s progress should not be judged against their engagement with the ECF training programme.


There are three approaches schools can choose from to enable the delivery of an ECF based induction. ECF based training programme;


  • Full induction programme – A funded, provider-led programme offering a blend of face-to face and online training for early career teachers and their mentors based on DfE accredited provider materials.


  • Core induction programme – Schools use freely available DfE accredited provider materials to deliver their own ECF programme of training for their ECTs and mentors.


  • School-based programme – Schools design and deliver their own ECF based induction programme – this includes selecting elements of the different core programmes.


  • At present, Countess Anne School is using the full induction programme delivered by the Alban Teaching School Hub. This organisation provides on-line and face to face training for both mentors and early career teachers.


  1. Transitional arrangements for the ‘pre-September 2021 Cohort’ (previously NQTs)

 There are transitional arrangements in place for those who have started, but not yet completed, their induction by 1 September 2021. Those who are still undertaking a one-year induction period after 1 September 2021 will have until 1 September 2023 to complete induction within 3 terms under transition arrangements. If they do not complete their induction by 1 September 2023, when the transition period ends, they will need to complete a 2-year induction period. They will not restart induction, but rather complete what remains of a 2-year induction. Where it is possible, schools should have regard to the revised statutory guidance for any ECTs who are still in the process of completing a one-year induction period.

  1. In school training.

In addition, the ECT will be supported in accessing training directly relating to the school and its curriculum and ethos. For example, Maths No Problem, Voices Foundation (music) training, First Aid, Child Protection, Understanding Christianity. The ECT is also supported through the school’s programme of staff meetings and the culture of the school is such that any member of staff can be approached by the ECT for assistance.