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Pay Policy



Pay Policy for Schools adapted and adopted by

Countess Anne School

(A Church of England Academy)


Living God’s Love through:

  • Academic provision that recognises the need for excellence in teaching and learning.
  • Holistic provision that encourages Christian hope; building spirit and soul through faith orientated pastoral care.
  • Inspirational provision through a modern curriculum that celebrates diversity and provides new opportunities.

Countess Anne School

(A Church of England Academy)



Pay Policy

Adopted and Approved by:

Finance and Resources Committee

The Professional Associations/Trade Unions have been consulted on this policy, and HfL   recommends it for adoption.

Date: 24th March 2022

Last reviewed on:


Next review due by:






1          Introduction                                                                                                

2          Aims                                                                                                              

3          Job Roles and Responsibilities                                                            

4          Pay Assessment and Pay Review                                                                    

4.1       Teaching Staff

            4.2       Support Staff

5          Recruitment

            5.1       Teaching Staff                                                                                 

            5.2       Support Staff                                                                                   

6          Teaching Staff Pay

            6.2       Headteacher

                        6.2.6   Discretionary Payments to the Headteacher

            6.3       Other Leadership Posts


            6.5       Main Range and Upper Pay Range Teachers

                        6.5.4   Pay progression within bands

6.5.10 Accelerated Progression

6.5.11 Appointments

                        6.5.14 Application to move onto the Upper Pay Range

            6.8       Overseas Trained Teachers

            6.9       Unqualified Teachers

7          Supply Teachers

8          Part-time Teachers

9          Allowances

            9.1       Teaching and Learning Responsibility Payments

            9.2       Special Educational Needs

            9.3       Acting Allowances

            9.4       Recruitment and Retention

            9.5       Out of School Learning Activities

            9.6       Residential Duties

            9.7       Continuing Professional Development

10        Support Staff Pay

11        Safeguarding

12        Appeals

            12.1    Appeals for Teachers

12.2    Appeals for Support Staff

12.3    The order of proceedings

13        Monitoring the Impact of the Policy



Appendix 1:   Further Advice and Guidance

Appendix 2: Teachers’ Standards


Countess Anne School Pay Policy


The Governing Body of Countess Anne School adopted this policy on 24th March 2022.


 It will review it annually 


1          Introduction


1.1       The Governing Body has adopted the policy set out in this document to provide a clear framework for the management of pay and grading issues for all staff employed in the school.


1.2       The Governing Body recognises the requirement that all pay progression decisions for all teaching staff must be linked to annual appraisal of performance. The procedures set out in this policy seek to ensure that this is achieved in a fair, equitable and transparent way. 


1.3       This policy has been agreed by the Personal and Finance Committee of the Governing Body following consultation with staff and the recognised trade unions. Any subsequent changes will also be subject to further consultation before amendment by the committee. The Personal & Finance Committee will have full authority to take decisions on behalf of the Governing Body on pay matters as defined in this policy. 



2          Aims of the policy


2.1       The Governing Body aims to use the school pay policy to:


  • Maintain and improve the quality of teaching and learning at the school;
  • Support the school improvement plan;
  • Underpin the school’s Appraisal policy;
  • Ensure that all staff are valued and appropriately rewarded for their work and contribution to the school;
  • Ensure staff are well motivated, supported by positive recruitment and retention policies and staff development;
  • Demonstrate that decisions on pay are fair, just and transparent and recognise the principle of equal pay for like work and work of equal value;
  • Provide flexibility to recognise individual staff performance linked to pay decisions;


2.2       The Governing Body will also consider advice issued by the Department for Education, recognised trade unions and other national bodies as appropriate, along    with relevant statutory legislation


2.3       Pay decisions at this school are made by the Governing Body as represented by the Personal and Finance Committee.


3          Job Roles and Responsibilities


3.1       All members of staff will be provided with a job description and contract outlining the roles and responsibilities of the post.  This will also include the pay range and any additional payments or allowances covered by this policy.  The job description will state the      reason for any additional allowances or payments and whether this is a permanent     or temporary payment.


3.2       Any significant changes to duties and responsibilities of a post will be subject to discussion with the member of staff with a view to reaching agreement. Where there is a significant change in duties and responsibilities of a post a new job description will be issued.


3.3       Where the staffing structure of the school needs to be changed, resulting in broader changes to roles and responsibilities, this will be the subject of consultation with staff and the recognised trade unions before any changes are made and with a view to seeking to agree the changes before new job descriptions are issued.


4          Pay Assessment and Pay Review


  • 1 Teaching staff


4.1.1   The Governing Body will ensure that every teacher’s salary is reviewed on an annual basis with effect from 1 September, no later than 31st October / 31 December (H/Ts).


4.1.2   The teacher’s appraisal report will contain a recommendation on pay.  The Headteacher will be responsible for submitting any recommendations for pay progression, in accordance with the relevant sections of this policy, to the Governing Body for approval.


4.1.3   All teachers will be entitled to receive an annual pay statement including details of any salary and financial benefits to which they are entitled, including any salary safeguarding arrangements that may apply.


4.1.4   A review may occur at other times where there has been a significant change affecting an individual teacher’s pay.  A revised written statement will be issued to the teacher in such circumstances, including any salary safeguarding arrangements that may apply.




4.2       Support Staff


The process of PRI (Performance Related Increments) was introduced as part of the Hertfordshire Employment Package review in April 2012. The final automatic increase for support staff was paid in June 2012. PRI applies to all NJC Local Government employees who work in a Community or Voluntary Controlled school or any Foundation, Voluntary Aided or Academy School which has chosen to adopt the new terms and conditions of employment. All employees under the scope of PRI will be awarded an increment based on the overall rating from their annual appraisal as part of their School Performance Appraisal Scheme. The Model PRI Policy for schools, available to download from the Grid, explains this process in more detail.


The Governing Body will also ensure an annual review of all support staff salaries by no later than 1st October in line with the support staff PRI process.


5          Recruitment


            5.1       Teaching Staff


5.1.1   The Governing Body will determine the pay range for a vacancy prior to advertising it. On appointment it will determine the starting salary within that range to be offered to the successful candidate.


5.1.2   Advertisements for vacant posts in the school will be considered by the Headteacher and Personal and Finance Committee where appropriate.  All posts will be advertised either internally or externally, locally or nationally as appropriate.


5.1.3   The advertisement will include the relevant pay range for the post as determined by the Governing Body as appropriate for the post and as contained in the relevant section of this pay policy.  The advertisement will specify the expected level of skills and experience for appropriate candidates relevant to the post. The advertisement will also include details of any additional payments or allowances applicable to the post. In cases of exceptional need, the above may be applied retrospectively.


  • 1.4 Where the post is on a temporary basis, the advertisement will specify the reason for and duration of the post.


  • 1.5 There is no assumption that a teacher will be paid at the same rate as they were being paid in a previous school.


            5.2       Support Staff


The arrangements for advertising vacancies for support staff will mirror those for             teaching staff. Advertisements will indicate the number of working hours and             working weeks and will show the appropriate salary and grade.




6          Teaching Staff Pay


6.1       In this school all teaching staff are employed in accordance with the provisions of the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document.  In reviewing pay ranges in the future the Governing Body will have regard to any changes contained within the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document.  The following pay arrangements have been agreed by the Governing Body using the flexibilities contained within the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document.


6.2       Headteacher


6.2.1   The Governing Body will assign a seven point Individual School Range based on the school group size, as determined by the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions     Document.  The Governing Body will ensure that there is no overlap of salary bands between the Headteacher and other leadership posts


6.2.2   Where there are significant changes to school number, the Governing Body will calculate the Headteacher group size at the start of the academic year and determine the appropriate Individual School Range for the year.  The Governing Body will determine the group size for the school in accordance with the provisions of the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document. 


6.2.3   On appointment the Headteacher will be appointed on one of the first 4 points on the ISR.


6.2.4   Progression on the ISR for the Headteacher will be subject to a review of the Headteacher performance set against the annual appraisal review.  The Governing Body may decide to award one increment for sustained high quality performance or two increments where performance has been exceptional.  Where performance has not been of a sustained high quality the Governing Body may decide that there should        be no pay progression.  The pay review for the Headteacher will be completed by 31st December.


6.2.5   The Governing Body will ensure that reasons for setting the ISR at a given level are recorded and that the process for the determination of the Headteacher’s salary is fair and transparent.       


6.2.6   Discretionary payments to the Headteacher


6.2.7   The Governing Body may consider a discretionary payment not exceeding 25% of the Headteacher’s salary, as determined above, for reasons not already taken into account in determining the ISR, and which may include:


  • the school is a school causing concern;
  • without such additional payment the Governing Body considers that the school would have substantial difficulty filling a vacant Headteacher post
  • without such additional payment the Governing Body considers the school would have substantial difficulty retaining the existing Headteacher; or
  • the Headteacher is appointed as a temporary Headteacher of one or more additional schools.


6.2.8   In wholly exceptional circumstances the Governing Body may consider a payment in excess of 25%. In such circumstances the Governing Body will seek external independent advice.


6.2.9   The Governing Body may also consider additional payments in respect of:


  • continuing professional development undertaken outside the school day;
  • activities relating to the provision of initial teacher training as part of the ordinary conduct of the school;
  • participation in out-of-school hours learning agreed between the Headteacher and the Governing Body;
  • additional responsibilities and activities due to, or in respect of, the provision of services by the Headteacher relating to the raising of educational standards to one or more additional schools.
  • residential duties.


Where a Headteacher undertakes additional duties in school time which in turn will bring additional income into the school, the Governing Body will determine the percentage of income to go to the Headteacher.


6.3       Other Leadership Posts


6.3.1   The Governing Body will determine a 5 point pay range for all other leadership posts from within the leadership scale contained in the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document.


6.3.2   The range for individual posts will be determined according to the duties and responsibilities of the post and may vary between posts.  A post with a designated deputy role in the absence of the Headteacher will be remunerated accordingly above the range for other leadership posts.


6.3.3   The Governing Body will ensure that there is no overlap of pay points between the Headteacher and any other leadership post.


6.3.4   On appointment a teacher paid on the leadership scale will be appointed on one of the first 3 points on the pay range. 


6.3.5   The pay range for teachers paid on the leadership range will be reviewed in September each year or at any time during the year where there is a significant permanent change in the duties and responsibilities of the post, or where it is necessary to consider a retention payment for a member of staff on the leadership range.


6.3.6   Progression on the pay range for a member of staff paid on the leadership scale             will be subject to a review of their performance set against the annual appraisal review. The Governing Body may decide to award one increment for sustained high quality performance or two increments where performance has been exceptional, where performance has not been of a sustained high quality the governing body made decide that there should be no pay progression. The pay review will be completed by 31st October.


6.5       Main Range and Upper Pay Range Teachers


6.5.1   The Governing Body will establish posts paid in accordance with the minimum and maximum points for such posts as determined by the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document.


6.5.2   The Governing Body has established a pay structure for these posts as follows:


Band 1 - Teacher   

  • A teacher working their way through ECT status and beyond establishing many, but not all, good aspects of teaching over time*
  • Most pupils achieve inline with school expectations
  • Positive working relationships with pupils, colleagues and parents
  • Develops professional practice in line with advice from more experienced colleagues
  • Meets the standards for professional conduct set out in the

Teachers’ Standards – see Appendix 2.



Rest of England


Point 1



Point 2





Band 2 - Accomplished Teacher          

  • All aspects of teaching are good over time*
  • Most pupils progress in line with school expectations without additional support
  • Working relationships result in good progress by all groups of pupils and productive sharing of professional practice with others.
  • Takes a proactive role in identifying areas for professional development, accessing advice and adapting practice
  • Meets the standards for professional conduct set out in the Teachers’ Standards – see Appendix 2.



Rest of England


Point 3



Point 4



Point 5



Point 6





                                                Band 3 – Expert Teacher (UPS)

  • Many aspects of teaching are outstanding over time*
  • Significant numbers of pupils exceed school expectations
  • Working relationships with colleagues are characterised by an enthusiastic commitment to helping them overcome professional challenges
  • Proactively leads the professional development of others in a way which leads to improved outcomes for pupils
  • Meets the standards for professional conduct set out in the Teachers’ Standards – see Appendix 2.



Rest of England













6.5.3   The Governing Body has agreed Professional Skills Level Descriptors* for each range which are detailed in the school’s Appraisal Policy.


Pay progression within bands


6.5.4   Pay progression within bands will be subject to sustained performance towards the next higher band, meeting the Teacher Standards and the Professional Skills Level Descriptors for that band. Meeting appraisal objectives will not automatically mean that pay progression will be awarded. Where a teacher’s performance does not demonstrate a sustained level and is below the school’s expectations at that level of post, the governors may determine that no incremental progression will be awarded in that year. 


6.5.5   Progression within a pay band will be subject to a review of the teacher’s performance set against the annual appraisal review and the Teacher Standards.              The Governing Body may decide to award one increment for sustained high quality performance in line with school expectations or two increments where             performance has exceeded school expectations. For teachers on the upper pay range (Band 3 – Expert Teacher) progression will normally be considered after 2 years of sustained high quality performance or earlier where performance has exceeded school expectations.


6.5.6   The Governing Body has determined that a teacher appointed to Band 1 (Teacher) would, other than in exceptional circumstances, be expected to have progressed to the Accomplished Teacher band within a maximum of 2 years’ of taking up their post).  In circumstances where a teacher’s performance is not at that level this will be addressed through the school’s appraisal process and capability procedure if required.



Accelerated progression


6.5.10 A teacher may, as part of their annual appraisal meeting, make a request in writing, to be considered for accelerated pay progression either within the pay band or to the next pay band at the end of that review cycle. This will be subject to review of performance against the school’s skills level descriptors and may require additional or more challenging objectives to be set for the appraisal period as set out in the school’s appraisal policy.





6.5.11 A newly appointed teacher will usually be appointed at any point in the band to take account of a teacher’s previous salary relevant experience and skills as determined by the Headteacher. 


6.5.12 The initial salary on appointment may be on a probationary basis and subject to performance. This may be reviewed after 6 months, after which time the pay band and relevant pay point will be finalised.  The revised salary / pay range will be no lower than the initial salary on appointment. 


6.5.13 A teacher transferring roles internally within the school will continue to be paid the same salary on the main scale (Bands 1 and 2) or the upper pay range (Band 3) as paid in the previous role.











Application to move onto the Upper Pay Range   (Band 3 – Expert Teacher)


6.5.14 Any qualified teacher may apply to be paid on the upper pay range.  It is the responsibility of the teacher to decide whether or not they wish to apply.


6.5.15 The Governing Body will consider applications from a teacher during the Summer term for progression at the start of the Autumn term.  A teacher may submit one application in any academic year.


6.5.16 For an application to be successful the teacher will need to demonstrate that they meet all the teacher standards and the professional skills level descriptors agreed by the Governing Body for teachers on the upper pay range (Band 3 – Expert Teacher).The teacher will also need to demonstrate that they have been working at that level for a significant period of at least 2 years prior to the submission of the application.


6.5.17 As defined in the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document, a teacher being considered for a move onto the upper pay range (Expert Teacher – Band 3) must therefore be able to demonstrate:


  • substantial and sustained achievement of objectives, appropriate skills and competence in all elements of the Teachers’ Standards; and


  • potential and commitment to undertake professional duties which make a wider contribution (which involves working with adults) beyond their own classroom.


as exemplified by the school’s professional skills level descriptors.


6.5.18 An application for progression to the upper pay range (Band 3 – Accomplished Teacher) will be assessed by the Headteacher and a decision notified to the teacher in writing within 20 working days.


6.5.19 If unsuccessful the teacher will be provided with feedback by the Headteacher.


6.5.20 Any appeal against the decision, which should be submitted within 10 working days, will be considered in line with the school’s pay appeals procedure.


6.8      Overseas Trained Teachers


  • 8.1 Teachers who trained and qualified in the European Economic Area (EEA) and Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United States of America must apply to the Teaching Agency for the award of QTS. Once QTS has been awarded payment will be made on the ranges applicable to qualified teachers.


6.8.2   Non-EEA trained teachers (with the exception of Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United States of America), will be paid on the Unqualified Teachers’ pay scale (see 6.9 below).



6.9      Unqualified Teachers


6.9.1   The Governing Body will appoint unqualified teachers to a salary within the range set out in the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document.


  • 9.2 The Governing Body has determined that this should be a 6 point scale as follows:


Pay scale for Unqualified teachers from:

Scale Point

Annual salary non-fringe

Annual Salary Fringe Area






21, 933





25, 323












6.9.3   A newly appointed unqualified teacher will usually be appointed at the minimum of the scale as determined by the Headteacher. The initial salary on appointment may be on a probationary basis and subject to performance.  This may be reviewed after 6 months, after which time the pay band and relevant pay point will be finalised.  The revised salary / pay range will be no lower than the initial salary on appointment.

The finalised pay point will reflect the roles and responsibilities of the unqualified teacher. The latter will receive as part of their Teachers’ Planning and Review Statement and Annual Appraisal Report an explanation of why they are on the unqualified teacher range and how their responsibilities are to be fulfilled and recognised.


6.9.4   Progression within the range will be subject to a review of the teacher’s performance set against the annual appraisal review and the appropriate Teacher Standards.  The Governing Body may decide to award one increment for sustained high quality performance or more increments where performance has been exceptional.  Where performance has not been of a sustained high quality the Governing Body made decide that there should be no pay progression.  In such circumstances where a teacher’s performance is not at the required level this will be addressed through the school’s appraisal and possibly capability procedure.


6.9.5   The pay review will be completed by the end of the 31st October.


 7          Supply Teachers


7.1       Teachers employed on a supply basis will have their pay determined in line with the arrangements outlined in this policy for other teachers.  Teachers paid on a daily basis will have their salary assessed as an annual amount, divided by 195. 


7.2       Teachers who work less than a full day will be hourly paid and will have their salary calculated by dividing the annual salary by 1265 to give an hourly rate.


8          Part time teachers


8.1       The Governing Body will ensure that part time teachers’ pay and working time will be dealt with in accordance with the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document. Pay scales and pay progression will be as detailed earlier in this policy.


8.2       Part time teachers will be entitled to be paid for their contractual hours pro rata to a full time teacher and will also be entitled to PPA time, other non contact time and directed time allocated on a pro rata basis.



9          Allowances


9.1       Teaching and Learning Responsibility Payments (TLRs)


9.1.1   TLR payments will be awarded to the holders of the posts indicated in the school’s staffing structure.


9.1.2   TLR payments will be awarded to a teacher on the main range or upper pay range where a teacher is required to undertake a sustained additional responsibility within the school’s staffing structure for ensuring the continued delivery of high quality teaching and learning for which they are accountable, i.e. where a post:


  • is focused on teaching and learning;
  • requires the exercise of a teacher’s professional skills and judgment;
  • requires the teacher to lead and manage pupil development across the curriculum;
  • has an impact on the educational progress of pupils other than the teacher’s assigned classes or groups of pupils; and
  • involves leading, developing and enhancing the teaching practice of others.


9.1.3   The Governing Body will award TLR payments within the range prescribed in the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document.  In this school the Governing Body has determined that TLR payments will be as follows:


Additional Allowance Pay Ranges 

















9.1.4   A teacher will not be awarded more than one TLR of any value


9.1.5   A TLR payment will not be awarded in respect of teaching duties more appropriately recognised under section 9.2 of this policy in respect of Special Educational Needs.


9.1.6   The Governing Body may award a fixed-term third TLR (TLR3) to a classroom teacher for clearly time-limited school improvements, or one-off externally driven responsibilities. The annual value of a TLR3 must be no less than £500 and no greater than £2,500. The duration of the fixed term must be established at the outset and payment should be made on a monthly basis for the duration of the fixed term. Where a TLR3 is awarded to a part-time teacher it must be paid on a pro-rata basis.


9.1.7   There will be no safeguarding of any fixed term TLR payments.


 9.2       Special Educational Needs (SEN)


9.2.1   The Governing Body will award a Special Educational Needs Allowance to a classroom teacher in the following circumstances:


  • in any SEN post that requires a mandatory SEN Qualification;
  • who teaches pupils in one or more designated special classes or units in the school;
  • in any non designated setting (including any pupil referral unit) that is analogous to a designated special class or unit where the post


(i)         involves a substantial element of working directly with children with special educational needs;

(ii)        requires the exercise of a teacher’s professional skills and judgment in the teaching of children with special educational             needs;

(iii)       has a greater level of involvement in the teaching of children with special educational needs than is the normal requirement of teachers throughout the school or unit within the school.


9.2.2   The Governing Body will determine a spot value for each post, taking account of the structure for SEN provision in the school and:


  • whether any mandatory qualifications are required for the post;
  • the qualifications and expertise of the teacher relevant to the post; and
  • the relative demands of the post.


9.2.3   The value of any SEN allowance in the school will be within the range prescribed in the School’s Pay Policy.


9.3       Acting Allowances


9.3.1   Teachers who cover all of the duties associated with a post of a higher grade or allowance than their own for a period of at least 4 weeks will be considered for payment of an acting allowance. This will normally be the difference between the teacher’s substantive salary and the appropriate point on the pay range of the higher level post, and will cover the whole period of acting up during which the teacher will be expected to undertake the full range of duties and responsibilities of the post.


9.4       Recruitment and Retention


9.4.1   The Governing Body may, on the advice of the Headteacher, consider the award of a recruitment and retention payment where there is clearly demonstrated evidence that such a payment is:


  • required to attract suitable candidates for a post which it has been or it is considered difficult to fill; or
  • required to retain the skills and expertise of a teacher, particularly in a specialist area or where it is considered that the subsequent vacancy would be difficult to fill;
  • to recognise a teacher’s performance which exceeds the school’s expectations and which is not recognised through accelerated salary progression in other sections in this policy.


9.4.2   The value of any recruitment or retention payment will be determined according to         the circumstances of each case but will take into account salary relativities across the school structure and known staffing changes in the future and would normally be within the range £500 - £3,000.


9.4.3   The duration of the payment will be determined according to the circumstances of the payment. Initially this may be for a period of 1 year but will be subject to annual review which may extend the period if appropriate.


9.4.4   Normally a recruitment or retention payment will be financial, but where appropriate,   governors may consider other benefits e.g. relocation, expenses, health care, sports membership, childcare provision etc.


9.5       Out of School Learning Activities


9.5.1   Additional payments will be made to staff who engage in activities to deliver Extended Services which are outside the school’s core activities. Such services will have been approved for payment by the Governing Body in advance.


9.5.2   The rate of payment will be determined according to circumstances, but will usually be at the teacher’s normal hourly rate (or insert school policy).


9.6       Continuing Professional Development


The Governing Body, advised by the Headteacher, may consider in advance awarding additional payments to teachers in respect of continuing professional development undertaken outside of the school day.  The Governing Body will consider each case on an individual basis.  Where approved additional payments will be calculated based on the teacher’s normal hourly rate.


10        Support Staff Pay


  • 1 Conditions of service


Support Staff in Hertfordshire schools are employed under the (NJC) for Local Government Services Terms and Conditions, commonly known as the ‘Green Book’. Each new employee will receive a written statement of particulars (a contract of employment for support staff part 1 and part 2).


  • 2 Pay Scales


Pay scales are structured around locally agreed grades using nationally agreed salary points, known as spinal column points (SCP).  These SCPs are determined nationally through negotiation between the Employers’ Organisation and the Trade Unions. HCC has grouped these spinal column points into locally agreed ‘H’ and ‘M’ grades to construct the grading structure.  There are between 3 and 5 spinal column points in each grade.  These enable employees to move through the grade as they develop in the role. The current pay scales can be found on the Grid.

 Grade Spinal Column Point (SCP) SAP SCP




  • 3 Job Descriptions and Starting Salaries


In determining the pay of support staff, account will be taken of relevant model job descriptions available on the Grid along with guidance on job evaluation and grades of Hertfordshire County Council (HCC). The Governing Body is legally entitled to devise and grade its own posts and may do so in circumstances when there is no appropriate HCC job description.  Such decisions will be made by the Headteacher after consulting the Chair of the relevant committee.


10.4    Incremental Progression


  • 4.1 Community schools and other schools that formally adopted the changes to terms and conditions with effect from 1st April 2012.


The process of PRI (Performance Related Increments) was introduced as part of the Hertfordshire Employment Package review in April 2012. The final automatic increase for support staff was paid in June 2012. PRI applies to all NJC Local Government employees who work in a Community or Voluntary Controlled school or any Foundation, Voluntary Aided or Academy School which has chosen to adopt the new terms and conditions of employment. All employees under the scope of PRI will be awarded an increment based on the overall rating from their annual appraisal as part of their School Performance Appraisal Scheme. The Model PRI Policy for schools, available to download from the Grid, explains this process in more detail.


10.4.2 VA, Foundation, Free, Trust and Academy Schools


A process of incremental progression due to length of service will apply.


  • 5 Acting up allowances


When a position is available for a short term due to a reason other than annual leave, e.g. to cover for maternity, long term sickness or a vacant post,  a temporary acting up arrangement can be considered. Consideration must be made of the following two conditions:


  • The arrangement is to cover the post for a minimum of 4 weeks
    • The acting up arrangement covers the full duties and responsibilities of the post.

    If both of the conditions are met, then any person accepting the acting up arrangement will be paid the evaluated grade for the post from the date they start.


  • 6 Honoraria payments


Honoraria payments may be made in order to recognise an employee either taking on some additional duties of a higher graded post or to reward exceptional or onerous work at the same grade.  Honoraria should only be used if additional work is for a specified period, over 4 weeks and under 8 months.  If work is for over 8 months, managers should consider making appropriate adjustments to salary.



11        Safeguarding


The Governing Body will apply the salary safeguarding provisions of the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document.


12        Appeals


12.1    Appeals for Teachers


In matters relating to pay the teacher has one and only one opportunity to appeal.


The arrangements for considering appeals for teachers are as follows:


A teacher may appeal against any determination in relation to his/her pay or any other decision taken by the Governing Body that affects his/her pay.


At any stage of the appeal, a teacher may be accompanied by and represented by a work colleague or trade union or professional association representative and no one else.


The following list which is not exhaustive includes the usual reasons for appealing against a pay determination.


That the person or committee by whom the decision was made:


  1. incorrectly applied any provision of the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document;


  1. failed to have proper regard for statutory guidance;


  1. failed to take proper account of relevant evidence;


  1. took account of irrelevant or inaccurate evidence;


  1. was biased; or


  1. otherwise unlawfully discriminated against the teacher.




12 .2   Appeals for support staff


The arrangements for considering appeals by support staff against pay decisions will be the same as those for teachers excluding references to the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document.




12.3    The order of proceedings


The order of proceedings for hearing appeals, which meet the requirements of the dispute resolution provisions, is as follows:


  • The teacher receives written confirmation of the pay determination and where applicable the basis on which the decision was made.


  • If the teacher is not satisfied, he/she should seek to resolve this by discussing the matter informally with the Headteacher within ten working days of the decision.


  • Where this is not possible or where the teacher continues to be dissatisfied, he/she may follow a formal appeal process.


  • The teacher should set down in writing the grounds for questioning the pay decision (which must relate to the grounds as set out above) and send it to the person or committee who made the determination, within ten working days of the notification of the decision being appealed against or of the outcome of the discussion referred to above.


  • Any appeal should be heard by a panel of three governors who were not involved in the determination, normally within 20 working days of the receipt of the written appeal notification. The teacher will be given the opportunity to make representations in person. The decision of the appeal panel will be given in writing and where the appeal is rejected will include a note of the evidence considered and the reasons for the decision.




13        Monitoring the Impact of the Policy


The Governing Body will monitor the outcomes and impact of this policy on a yearly basis, including trends in progression across specific groups of teachers to assess its effect and the school’s continued compliance with equalities legislation.






Each school will need to determine its own approach to the flexibilities contained in this model policy. There are number of options for Headteachers and Governors to consider in this regard and the following documentation is available:


The DfE has produced a model policy and accompanying guidance which schools may find helpful when finalising their polices. These documents can be found at:




NAHT has produced a model policy and guidance notes which members may find helpful. 

ASCL has produced guidance notes which members may find helpful.

NASUWT/NUT have produced a joint model policy and guidance notes which members may find helpful.


For specific advice in relation to the Hertfordshire model policy, please contact the Schools’ HR Advisory team in the first instance.