Year Group 1
Year Group: 1 Corridor displays: there are two for the Autumn term; one to explore new beginnings and the other focused around part of the Christmas narrative, and are based on the work of Jan Richardson. They should be a mix of a whole class piece of art work and written reflections/ thoughts: Classroom displays: Behaviour class rules: use one of the parables as a discussion point from which you build and agree your class rules. Bloom’s Taxonomy display: this should be clearly be displayed and referred to throughout the year helping pupil to identify the different ways in which they can use what they have learnt in order to progress in their learning.
Religious Education: Creation: This concept explores the understanding that the universe and human life can be viewed as God’s good creation. Humans are made in the image of God. Humans have a tendency to go their own way rather than keep their place in relation to their Creation. This attitude is called sin, and Genesis 3 gives an account of this rebellion, popularly known as ‘the Fall’. This describes a catastrophic separation between God and humans, between humans and each other and the environment; setting out the root cause for many of humanity’s problems. The programme also allows for an understanding based purely on a scientific and humanist worldview – recognising that creation can be seen solely as a scientific phenomenon and that human beings have it within their capacity to successfully look after the planet and themselves.
Remembering and Understanding: The learner will know that Christians believe that God created the universe. Applying: The learner will know that Christians believe the Earth and everything in it are important to God. Analysing, Creating & Evaluating: The learner will know that Christians believe that God has a unique relationship with human beings as their Creator and Sustainer.
English: N.B: Speaking and Listening opportunities via World Poetry Day and roles in Christmas Nativity play English assessments: N.B: External assessment: Phonic screening test Phonic stages – ongoing assessment as the children progress throughout the year to ensure that they are on track to pass their phonics screening.
To work towards English procedures in readiness for phase 1:- § Daily phonics lesson. § Reading books changed as often as needed. § Individual reading with an adult x § Daily spelling practise –Early Morning Work and weekly spelling test. (Should include spelling patterns identified from SWST and spellings from the NC programmes of study for the relevant year group.) § Guided reading – Cracking comprehension used to teach pupils vocabulary and specific reading skills with follow up tasks x 4 sessions a week. § Handwriting- 1 EMW a week to teach letter formation; 2 x other in week to practise handwriting at the start of an English lesson. (Link to spelling – with use of Charles Cripps handwriting scheme.) § Weekly idiom. § Priority reading list – identifying those pupils needing adult intervention more often. EFSM pupils heard every day.
Reading: Guided reading – Cracking comprehension used to teach pupils vocabulary and specific reading skills with follow up tasks x 4 sessions a week. Priority reading list – identifying those pupils needing adult intervention more often. EFSM pupils heard every day.
Writing Genres for assessment supported by grammar focus: Traditional Tales – Fairy Tales. (6 weeks or 2+ 2 +2 weeks) Little Red Hen Jack and the beanstalk. Write a retelling of a traditional story. Grammar to improve writing. W1, W2, S1, S2, T1, P1, P2, P3, W3 Labels, lists and captions. (Possible link to STEM week.) E.G: Write labels and sentences for an in class exhibition/ museum display. (1 week) Grammar to improve writing. W1, P1, P3, S1 Recount. Dear Zoo/ Dear Santa Write simple first person recounts based on personal experience using adverbs of time to aid sequencing. (2 weeks or 1+1 week) Grammar to improve writing. W1, W2, S1, S2, T1, P1, P2, P3. Vocabulary building. Read, write and perform free verse. (1 week) Structure –rhyming couplets. Recite familiar poems by heart. (1 week) Year 1 Grammar and Spellings - see detailed English medium term plan Year 1 |
Maths: Week 1 – 2: Number and Place Value: Numbers up to 10 Week 3 - 7: Calculations: Addition and Subtraction Week 8 – 9: Geometry – Position and Direction: Positions Week 9 - 11: Number and Place Value: Numbers up to 20 Week 11 – 12: Calculations: Addition and Subtraction within 20 |
Science: Scientific enquiry:
Everyday materials:
Design and Technology: Design: the generation and communication of a proposed solution to a need or problem. Remembering and Understanding: The learner can generate their own ideas. Applying: The learner can communicate their ideas through drawings. Analysing, Creating & Evaluating: The learner can evaluate saying ‘How’ and ‘Why’ a change to their model has improved it. |
Computing: Technology and the environment - the responsible use of automation within society. Remembering and Understanding: A learner can understand the common uses of technology within and beyond school. Applying: A learner can recognise how some machines are used to support vulnerable groups within society. Analysing, Creating & Evaluating: A learner can create a pretend machine, e.g. out of junk modelling that could overcome a problem. |
Physical Education: Movement – the control of a person’s travel and specific gestures in response to changing and challenging scenarios when trying to achieve a specific goal or target. Sequence - the fitting together of a series of increasingly complex movements and patterns Agility – the ability to use a range of skills |
Art - 2nd half-term: Line: Line: A mark on a surface. Focus artist: Remembering and Understanding: A learner can outline and sketch objects and people using simple lines and is beginning to experiment with an open mind and recognise that ideas can be expressed in art work. Applying: Using outline and sketch, a learner can try out a range of materials and processes recognising that they have different qualities. A learner can use materials purposefully to achieve outline and sketch. Analysing, Creating & Evaluating: A learner can recognise key features of outline and sketch in their own work. A learner uses their understanding of outline and sketch by accurately using characteristics of width, length and direction in their work. |
Music: Pitch - the melodic aspect of sound; higher or lower. Remembering and Understanding: A learner is exploring their singing voice and beginning to recognise higher and lower sounds of pitch in age appropriate songs. Applying: A learner recognises the higher and lower sounds of pitch and is beginning to match their singing voice more accurately to age appropriate songs. Analysing, Creating & Evaluating: A learner has found their singing voice. They can match their pitch accurately of a variety of age appropriate songs and can sometimes change the starting pitch. |
Time and Place – 1st half-term: History: Chronology - the arrangement of events according to dates of occurrence. Remembering and Understanding: A learner can identify relevant features within their personal history, historical themes and events, place them in chronological order with support and begin to use everyday time terms such as 'now', 'then', 'old' and 'new'. Applying: A learner can identify relevant features within historical themes and events, place them in chronological order independently and use everyday time terms confidently, such as 'yesterday', 'year', ‘before’ and ‘after’. Analysing, Creating & Evaluating: A learner can identify and give reasons for similarities and differences between different periods of time e.g. old and new.
Geography: Place – the features that give a region its identity. Remembering and Understanding: The learner can describe and make observations about the local area, including identifying green areas. Applying: The learner can describe and make observations about the local area and its physical and human geography. Analysing, Creating & Evaluating: The learner can create their own map representing the different areas within the local area. |