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Year Group 6 


Corridor displays: there are two for the Autumn term; one to explore new beginnings and the other focused around part of the Christmas narrative, and are based on the work of Jan Richardson. The display should be a mix of a whole class piece of art work and written reflections/ thoughts:


Classroom displays:

Behaviour class rules: use one of the parables as a discussion point from which you build and agree your class rules.

Bloom’s Taxonomy display: this should be clearly be displayed and referred to throughout the year helping pupils to identify the different ways in which they can use what they have learnt in order to progress in their learning.



Religious Education:

Gospel: The concept of a Gospel is represented within Christianity as Jesus’ incarnation is ‘Good News’ for all people, Gospel means ‘good news’. His life, teaching and ministry embody what it is like to be one of the people of God, what it means to live in relationship with God. Jesus’ example and teaching emphasise loving one’s neighbour - particularly the weak and vulnerable - as part of loving God. Pupils will have the opportunity to learn the idea of a Gospel is portrayed within Christianity and Hinduism, of how it challenges people to evaluate how they live their lives.


Developing: The learner will know that Christians believe that the Good News is not just about setting an example for good behaviour and challenging bad behaviour; it is that Jesus offers a way to heal the damage done.

Secure: The learner will know that Christians see Jesus’ teachings and example cut across expectations – the Sermon on the Mount is an example of this, where Jesus’ values favour serving the weak and vulnerable, not making people comfortable. The learner will know that Christians believe that Jesus’ life shows what it means to love God and love your neighbour, and that he particularly challenged hypocrisy (pretending to be good), showing love and forgiveness to unlikely people.

Mastery: The learner will know that Christians believe that they should bring Jesus’ Good News into the world e.g. through social justice; but that it is not only for now but that it also points towards a restored, transformed life in the future.




English Assessments:

§  STAR reading test – on Accelerated Reader x3.

Sept/ End of each half term. SL to organise dates and inform staff at the beginning of the year.

§  NFER Single word spelling test x 2.

Sept and end of autumn term. Please send updated results to SL.

§  Rising stars – Grammar, Punctuation And Spelling tests x 2.

End of each half term. Please check the content of each test at the beginning of term to ensure the content is taught. Results recorded on Excel sheet and sent to SL.

N.B: Speaking and Listening opportunities via World Poetry Day


Other procedures:

§  Daily spelling practise –Early Morning Work and weekly spelling test. (Should include spelling patterns identified from SWST and spellings from the NC programmes of study for the relevant year group.)

§  Regular use of Accelerated Reader. Pupils taught to choose their book from their z.p.d. and complete a quiz when finished; use their reading record to write the book/ when they read/score of quiz.

§  Guided reading – Cracking comprehension used to teach pupils vocabulary and specific reading skills with follow up tasks x 4-5 sessions a week.

§  Read and response lesson x 1 a week plus homework. Teachers guide pupils through whole book – vocabulary development; themes; reading beyond the literal etc.

§  Handwriting- 1 EMW a week to teach letter formation; 2 x other in week to practise handwriting at the start of an English lesson. (Link to spelling – with use of Charles Cripps handwriting scheme.)

§  Priority reading list – identifying those pupils needing adult intervention more often.

§  Weekly idiom.

§  CGP Grammar, punctuation and spelling homework book.

§  Priority reading list – identifying those pupils needing adult intervention more often.  EFSM pupils heard every day.

§  Independent reading- pupils taught to sustain a period of reading up to 30 mins.



Read and Respond text: I am David

Guided Reading: Cracking Comprehension

4 sessions a week. 25 - 30 mins.


Writing Genres for assessment supported by grammar focus:

Narrative/ short stories- Blackberry Blue and other fairy tales.

Grammar focus to improve writing:

T1, W1, W2, P1.


Grammar focus to improve writing:

T1, W1, W2, S1, T2, T3, P2, P3.

Explanation – link to STEM week.

Grammar focus to improve writing:

T1, W1, W2, S1, T2, T3, P3.

Recount –link to Windrush Stories.


Grammar focus to improve writing:

T1, W1, W2, S1, T2, T3, P4.

Poetry – vocabulary building. 1 week.

Year 6 Grammar and Spellings - see detailed English medium term plan Year 6


Maths: - see detailed Maths No Problems Plans

Week 1: Number and Place Value: numbers up to 1 million

Week 2 – 5: Calculations: Four Operations on whole numbers

Week 6 – 8: Fractions,  Decimals and Percentages: Fractions

Week 9 – 11: Fractions, Decimals and Percentages: Decimals

Week 12: Fractions, Decimals and Percentages: Percentages (from the Spring term)



Autumn 1 – Animals Including Humans

-     Can name the main body parts of the human circulatory system and describe the function of the heart, blood vessels and blood.

-     Learners will be able to describe the ways that water and nutrients are transported in animals.

-     Key words

-     Human Circulatory System

-     Blood Vessels

-     Oxygenated

-     Deoxygenated

-     Function

STEM Week –

-     Can describe the impact of diet, exercise, drugs and lifestyle on the way the body functions.

Autumn 2 – Evolution and Inheritance:

-     Recognises that living things have changed over time and that fossils provide information about living things that inhabited the Earth millions of years ago.

-     Recognise that living things produce offspring of the same kind but normally offspring vary and are not identical to their parents.

-     Key words

-     Adaptation

-     Evolution

-     Inheritance

Scientific Enquiry –

-     Can plan scientific enquiries, controlling for variables where necessary.

-     Can present findings, including conclusions

-     Can spot the use of scientific evidence in an argument.


Design and Technology:

Autumn – Nutrition: the provision of nourishment through the food that we eat.

Remembering and Understanding: The learner understands energy balance and the implications of dietary excess or deficiency, e.g. malnutrition, maintenance of a healthy weight.

Applying: The learner can modify a recipe and can cook a savoury dish based on current healthy eating messages.

Analysing, Creating & Evaluating: The learner can evaluate the influence of food marketing, advertising and promotion on their own diet and purchasing behaviour.


E-safety – the safe and respectful use of technology.

Remembering and Understanding: A learner can demonstrate that they can act responsibly when using the internet. A learner can discuss the consequences of particular behaviours when using digital technology relating how to report concerns and inappropriate behaviour in a range of contexts e.g. adults at home or in school or external agencies such as child line, CEOP or the police.

Applying: A learner can show that they can think through the consequences of their actions when using digital technology identifying rules underpinning acceptable use of digital technology. A learner knows a range of ways to report concerns and inappropriate behaviour in a variety of contexts.

Analysing, Creating & Evaluating:  A learner can consider critically some of the wider implications of the use of digital technology. A learner can consider questions of ethics and morality in relation to digital technology. A learner can consider how they would determine the best way to address particular concerns or inappropriate behaviour.

Physical Education:

Aut. 1 Football and Tag Rugby Aut. 2: Dance and Swimming

Teamwork – the ability to work appropriately, skilfully and in attitude, with others to achieve a common goal.

Competition – to work actively, through teams or individually, in order to overcome opponents, whilst working within a set of guidelines and rules.

Health – to recognise how exercise and nutrition can contribute to a healthy lifestyle.

Art – 2nd half-term:

Tone and Value: Tone is the intensity, or saturation, of a colour; Value is the degree of light and dark of each colour in a composition

Focus artist: William Kentridge

Remembering and Understanding: A learner can independently develop a range of ideas which show curiosity, imagination and originality linked to all concepts of tone and value.

A learner can systematically investigate research and test ideas and plans using sketchbooks and other appropriate approaches. For instance Sketchbooks will show in advance how work will be produced and how the qualities of materials will be used to represent the concepts of tone and value.

Applying: A learner can independently take action to refine their technical and craft skills in order to improve their use of the concepts of tone and value.  A learner can independently select and effectively use relevant processes in order to create successful and finished work using the full range of concepts from tone and value.

Analysing, Creating & Evaluating:  A learner can provide a reasoned evaluation of both their own and professionals’ work which takes account of the starting points, intentions and context behind the work in relation to the concepts of tone and value. A learner can describe, interpret and explain the work, ideas and working practices of some significant artists, craftspeople, designers and architects taking account of the influence of the different historical, cultural and social contexts in which they worked in relation to the concepts of tone and value. A learner can describe the processes that they are using and how they hope to achieve higher quality outcomes using the concepts of tone and value.


Rhythm - the pattern of longer and shorter sounds often linked to the pattern of the words in a song.

Remembering and Understanding: A learner can read rhythm sol-fa notation and has a growing understanding of how to write a melody.

Applying: A learner can read and write rhythm sol-fa notation and notate rhythms with note heads.

Analysing, Creating & Evaluating:  A learner can compose their own melody using their knowledge and understanding of rhythm sol-fa notation.

Time and Place – 1st half-term:

Topic: World Wars

Trip: to Lincolnsfield Children Centre in Bushey


Historical Enquiry – the manner of historical investigation and use of differing sources

Remembering and Understanding: A learner can identify the most important causes and consequences of an historical event.

Applying: A learner can devise a set of questions to ascertain whether an outcome was a direct effect of a suggested cause.

Analysing, Creating & Evaluating: A learner can explain and justify their decision about the priority of different causes and consequences affecting a broad group of people or nation.



Geographical Enquiry – the manner in which people try to understand and interpret different places

Remembering and Understanding:  Using an atlas and map the learner can name and locate familiar places and countries.

Applying: The learner can use four and six figure grid references in order to locate places within a map.

Analysing, Creating & Evaluating:  The learner can identify the different types of information that can be retrieved from different types of maps and atlases.

Modern Foreign Language:

Remembering and Understanding: The learner can act out the meaning of short sentences, respond and ask questions about their immediate surroundings.

Applying: The learner can act out the meaning of written sentences, create a short conversation with a peer about themselves and their surroundings using brief descriptions (orange hair, stern teacher, sad because it is raining).

Analysing, Creating & Evaluating: The learner can recognise how speech or written work needs to be altered so it is grammatically correct.